Order Acceptance
The receipt of an order or an email order confirmation does not constitute the acceptance of an order or a confirmation of an order to sell. Sofamania reserves the right, without prior notification, to limit the order quantity on any item and/or refuse service to any customer. Verification of information may be required prior the acceptance of any order.
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The retail, list or suggested price displayed for products on represents the full retail price on the listed product itself, suggested by the manufacturer or estimated in accordance to standard industry valuing; or the estimated retail value compared to a matching item offered elsewhere. Sale pricing is a representation of sofamania's own promotional efforts, where pricing and availability are subject to change without notice.
Use And Access
You shall not engage in any activity directly or indirectly which undermines the integrity of the computer systems, networks and/or other electronics of and/or of other users of You shall not gain and/or attempt to gain unauthorized and/or unlawful access to's computer systems and networks and/or any and all data or information therein. You agree to use for your personal use only and shall in no event use any or all of the information, text, images, graphics, video clips, sound, directories, files, databases, listings etc. obtained on or through for commercial purposes of any sort, nor for copying, reproducing, downloading, compiling whether directly, indirectly. Use of any content on for purposes other than appearing in these Terms is prohibited.
Copyright And Trademarks
All content in or made available by the latter, such as text, logos, graphics, images, videos, audio, digital downloads and data is property of or our content supplier. This material is protected by International copyright laws and it is exclusive property of "Sofamania", "" and related icons and logos are registered trademarks of Sofamania and are protected under applicable copyright, trademark and other proprietary rights laws. The unauthorized use of any sofamania proprietary marks is strictly prohibited.
You hereby agree to indemnify and save, our affiliates, directors, officers and employees harmless, from any and all losses, claims, liabilities (including legal costs on a full indemnity basis) which may arise from such your use of or services (including but not limited to the display of your information on or from your breach of any of the Terms. You hereby further agree to indemnify and save, our affiliates, directors, officers and employees harmless, from any and all losses, damages, claims, liabilities (including legal costs on a full indemnity basis) which may arise, directly or indirectly, as a result of any claims asserted by third party rights claimants or other third parties relating to information about such third parties and/or any of their goods and/ or services. You also agree further that is not responsible and shall have no liability to you, for any material posted by others, including defamatory, offensive or illicit material and that the risk of damages from such material rests entirely with you. reserves the right, at our own expense, to assume the exclusive defense and control of any matter otherwise subject to indemnification by you, in which event you shall cooperate with in asserting any available defenses.